Monthly Archives: March 2017

SB 314 – PDMP would harm, not help, patient care

Dear Distinguished Members of the Missouri Legislature:

We write today in opposition to SB 314, a bill to facilitate the monitoring of Schedule II, III, and IV prescriptions written by Missouri physicians for their patients.  As physicians, we take an oath to “first do no harm” which is why we are speaking out against this legislation today.

Those supporting this bill no doubt hope to lessen the misuse of certain medications.  This is a worthy goal; however, interfering with the patient-physician relationship with more rules and regulations is the wrong solution.  SB 314 will not only fail to solve the problem but will cause additional damage.

Red tape and bureaucratic mandates, proliferating on a national and state level, are harming patient care. Inserting additional bureaucracy between patients and physicians, as is done by SB 314, will inevitably lead to loss of access to vital medical care for Missouri’s pain patients.

Pain patients across the country are encountering increasing challenges in finding appropriate care as physicians incorrectly take the blame for misuse of certain medications. These patients and their physicians require the freedom to make decisions about appropriate care without second guessing by the State of Missouri.

In addition, SB 314 is not evidence-based policy. Data from other states demonstrate no improvement in misuse/misdirection of controlled substances or a decrease in deaths as a result of implementation of similar provisions.

If PDMP laws work one would expect Missouri to be number one in the nation in misuse of scheduled medications and related-deaths. Instead we fall in the middle.  These laws simply fail to achieve their stated goals.

Finally, PDMP laws are a blatant violation of Article I Section 15 of the Missouri Constitution. SB 314 violates patient security and privacy and therefore causes harm.

“First Do No Harm” should be the motto of all those who write these prescriptions for patients in the first place. To be true patient advocates, we must discourage the support of data collection on our patients in any form regardless of the best of intentions and especially when doing so will degrade patient care.


Missouri Chapter, AAPS
Jennifer Powell MD FAAFP, President of the Missouri Chapter

Missouri AAPS Chapter meeting minutes from 02-11-17

The MO AAPS chapter meeting was held on 02-11-17 at 44 Stone Public House in Columbia, MO. The meeting was called to order by President, Dr Jenny Powell at 12:01 P.M. Guests were welcomed.

Minutes were read by secretary, Dr Nancy Russell; motion to approve by Dr Phil Dean, seconded by Dr Helen Gelhot and approved by majority vote.

Legislative report by Wes Powell, Citizen representative for AAPS MO Chapter

Anti-MOC- a public hearing was held this past week in the MO House of Representatives. Representative Dr Frederick stated this bill had been passed last year and additions to make it more stringent were presented and a hearing is to follow. Additions to the current bill are to have MOC-maintenance of board certification not be used as a requirement for hospital privileges or insurance company panels. The bill originally was passed to not allow MOC to be necessary for MO licensure.

Prescription drug monitoring bill was in the House of Representatives this past week. Wes Powell and 3 others testified against this bill and 40 persons spoke for the bill. MSMA and AAFP representatives spoke in favor of the bill. Opponents to this bill cited that it is against the law to gather data on patients without a subpoena. is a website that shows that drug monitoring does not help with drug abuse problems. Missouri ranks in the middle of drug abuse cases. Unintended consequences presented by Wes Powell included physicians dropping out of pain management.

House Joint Bill for Amendment HJR-18 is a bill to grant personhood to fetuses; life begins at conception. If passed, discussion regarding tubal pregnancy, miscarriage, in-vitro fertilization, etc could have some unintended consequences. If passed through both the state senate and house and signed by the Governor would still go to the people for a vote.

Simon’s Law has not been assigned to committee but could be brought up as a MSMA resolution. This bill would give parental rights to newborns in the NICU situation.

Old Business

If you have an issue you would like to bring to the State Legislature, contact Wes Powell at

New Business

Andrew Schafly, our AAPS general counsel’s work now is focused on the Supreme Court nominee.

Rand Paul, M.D., Senator and AAPS member has a repeal and replace bill established for the ACA; the affordable health care act or Obamacare.

Treasurers report: Dr Todd Rice

There are no dues to be a member of the Missouri Chapter of AAPS.

Secretary report: Dr Nancy Russell

New member emails and email requests have been updated to the Missouri Chapter email list.

VP report: Dr Phil Dean

TEN healthcare lab in St Louis does an extensive and accurate urine drug screen at a reasonable cash price. Dr. Dean has used this lab and is very confident in their results and does a screening and ongoing testing for all patients in his practice on controlled pharmaceuticals. A representative from the lab explained the ease of sending the test kits and a 24-48 hour turn around time on results.

Gene Trait labs in Columbia, Missouri gave a presentation regarding their testing on pharmacogenetics and how genetic testing can be helpful in determining and assessing what drug categories would be best for a patient based on DNA results. It is most helpful with narcotics, anti hypertensive, diabetic and ADHD medications. A full report is kept on file and sent to the physician to assist with medication management. Their website is updated regularly as new drugs come on the market and the patient’s report can be updated if their medications change.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Thrive, Not Survive meeting in Hebron, KY on June 9th, 2017 from 1-9 PM.
  • Annual AAPS meeting in Tucson, AZ, October 5-7th, 2017.
  • MO Chapter AAPS meeting in Independence, MO on Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 at the Hereford House, 19721 E. Jackson Drive at 12:00 P.M.
  • MO Chapter AAPS meeting in Springfield, MO on July 15th, 2017.

Meeting was adjourned by President, Dr Jenny Powell at 2:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Russell, M.D., AAPS MO Chapter Secretary