Monthly Archives: November 2019

Nov. 9, 2019 – Chapter Meeting

Don’t miss out on the Fall 2019 Missouri Chapter meeting!

Come meet AAPS Executive Director Jane M. Orient, M.D., while enjoying great food, networking, and … 1.0 Hour of CME. 

Details copied below. Hope to see you there!

RSVP: email or call/text 520-270-0761


11:30am to 2:30pm
Saturday, November 9, 2019
(meet and greet
starting at 11:30am,
meeting starting at 
12:00 noon).


J. Gilbert’s Wood-Fired Steaks
(Named ‘Best Steakhouse’ by the Riverfront Times)
17A W County Ctr, Suite A102
Des Peres, MO 63131
Click here for map.

ENJOYMeal and drinks provided by AAPS. Update on AAPS past and future activities, plus the fellowship of your colleagues!


Jane M. Orient, MD, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons will present: “The Fundamentals Needed to Make American Medicine Great Again”

RSVP: email or call/text 520-270-0761

Jane M. Orient, M.D. obtained her undergraduate degrees in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Arizona in Tucson, and her M.D. from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1974. She completed an internal medicine residency at Parkland Memorial Hospital and University of Arizona Affiliated Hospitals and then became an Instructor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and a staff physician at the Tucson Veterans Administration Hospital. She has been in solo private practice since 1981 and has served as Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) since 1989. She is currently president of Doctors for Disaster PreparednessShe is the author of YOUR Doctor Is Not In: Healthy Skepticism about National Healthcare, and the second through fifth editions of Sapira’s Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.